Terra Gibson
Hometown: Anderson
Agriculture Experience: I worked on the Chico State Farm for three semesters while attending Chico State. I also worked for the Butte County Fairgrounds for three years while finishing school and student teaching at Gridley High School.
Years Teaching: 6 years at Central Valley, 3nd year at West Valley.
Hobbies/Interests: Going to the lake, spending time with my dogs, going to Tahoe.
College Attended: Chico State. Go Wildcats!!
Classes Taught at West Valley: Ag Business, Ag Mechanics and Ag Core.
Quote: "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - unkown
Laura Gonzales
Hometown: Anaheim Hills, located in southern California
Agriculture Experience: Outside of teaching, my experience in agriculture includes: being in 4-H from 9-18 years old and raising every possible type of livestock that you can think of. With that being said I was also a 4-H leader in Orange County and Tehama County. I went to Fresno State (Go Dogs), and I received my B.S. and M.S. in Animal Science. At Fresno, I was the herdsman of the school's Swine Unit which ran about 100 sows and was a fully functional farrow to finish operation. Now that I live in Corning, I help run GnG Genetics. We sell show pigs for local 4-H and FFA students to show and exhibit at the fair.
Years Teaching: This is my 10th year teaching.
Hobbies/Interests: In my free time I love to go to livestock shows and go shopping!
College Attended: Fresno State University
Classes Taught at West Valley: Ag Biology and Floral Design
Quote: "Good, Better, Best: Don't stop till your good is better and your betters your best."
Kayla Bowerman
Hometown: Santa Rosa
Agriculture Experience: I showed market hogs and rabbits throughout high school. I then worked at the Santa Rosa Junior College Farm where I helped facilitate a rotational grazing program with cattle, sheep and horses. I then worked at the Cal Poly horse and dairy unit for one year each. I also would assist. I then was a nutritional research technician in North Dakota at their state university, and then moved to Chico, CA where I was an Agriculture Commodity buyer for two years.
Years Teaching: This is my 3nd year teaching.
Hobbies/Interests: I really enjoy backpacking, hiking and anything
College Attended: Santa Rosa Junior College, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo - and Chico State.
Classes Taught at West Valley: Intro to Ag and Ag Chemistry.
Quote: "Dreams don't work unless you do" - John Kalvin Maxwell
Eric Poldervaart
Hometown: Orland
Ag Experience: Twenty plus years working/running family dairy.
Years Teaching: This is my 5th year teaching.
Hobbies/Interests: Spending time with family, traveling, sports.
College Attended: Chico State University
Classes Taught at West Valley: Ag Mech 1, Ag Mech 2, Ag Mech 3
Quote: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison